Monday, August 24, 2009

Hubbub strange

I hear through the grapevine about an upcoming talk that asks if Jesus is a terrorist in Paradise Regained. I'm guessing the paper will actually start by acknowledging the silliness of the title (standing up on top of a building is not the same as...) and go on to say reasonable things. But I'm really hoping that the titles of Milton papers and talks start to sound less and less like things shouted at town hall meetings.

Or else! I swear to God the Almighty Terrorist that I'll win this game of one-upmanship. You can expect papers like "Was Milton of Hitler's Party Without Knowing It? Early Modern Republicanism and the Rise of National Socialism"; "Milton and the Hartlib Circle Jerk: Scattering the Seed of Republican Virtue"; "Pro-Choice Milton: Plunging Into that Abortive Gulf." And so on.

1 comment:

moria said...

Why my RSS reader needs a snarky Miltonist:

My response to that title was "splutter-snort". Your response to that title is clever and humorous.

Having just read over the "Is Milton's Satan a terrorist?" paperfest (file under "productive procrastination"), I will venture the controversial and unkowledgeable statement that this is maybe an improvement. If only because it does not have immediate and obvious racist connotations.